Causal Design

CategoriesBlog Post Research

The Untapped Potential of Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts

The Untapped Potential of Impact Evaluations in Humanitarian Contexts What is the right modality of program delivery? Does anticipatory action prior to a humanitarian emergency have a positive impact on a household’s ability to cope? Which methods are most cost-effective? Which methods lead to the most positive impact on long-term resilience? Are you interested in […]


SEEP 2017: Creating Commercial Farmers

Building scalable and sustainable food systems presents many challenges along farming value chains – not least of which is the point where our small holder famers interact with agricultural inputs. For an isolated farmer with limited education, making wise choices about farming can be challenging, meaning that many farmers fall short of the mark when it comes to running successful commercial enterprises.

Linear Probability Models

Introduction It is often the case in Impact Evaluation that we have a need to analyze binary, qualitative variables such as savings behavior (saves vs. does not save), voting behavior (votes vs. does not vote), or gender (male vs. female). In general, we are interested in whether a condition exists or does not exist, rather […]

CategoriesPre-analysis Plan RCT Research

RCT Pre-Analysis Plan: UCTs In Humanitarian Response

Causal Design & Mercy Corps Partner to Investigate Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Response Last year Causal Design partnered with Mercy Corps to investigate the impact of various operational models for dispersing cash grants after a natural disaster. Specifically, we wanted to see if the frequency of cash disbursements, offering of financial literacy training, or sending reinforcing voice messages had […]