By Andre Lee (Georgetown MIDP 18)
The coefplot command allows you to plot results from estimation commands. It is a user package, so you will have to find and install it by inputting into the Stata command line:
findit coefplot
Click on the coefplot install link.
Now, using the auto database, I made a simple regression and store it in memory as model_1:
sysuse auto regress price gear_ratio mpg rep78 turn weight trunk estimates store model_1
model_1’s coefficients can now be plotted with:
coefplot model_1, drop(_cons) xline(0)
I can also graphically compare the coefficients and confidence intervals for each independent variable used in the models:
regress price gear_ratio mpg rep78 turn weight headroom estimates store model_2 coefplot model_1 model_2, drop(_cons) xline(0)
I can also separate the predictor variables into individual graphs:
coefplot model_1 || model_2, yline(0) bycoefs vertical byopts(yrescale) ylabel(, labsize(vsmall))
Full credit goes to Jeff Meyer who created many tutorials in the website:
The information was sifted from his various article on useful Stata commands and adapted for sysuse auto (native database in Stata) for the reader’s ease of use.